Shifting Vibrations 2024 Review: Does It Actually Work?

Shifting Vibrations Review: Can You Manifest Abundance with Frequency?

Do you imagine what it would feel like not to worry about money? The thought of financial freedom crosses everyone’s mind at some point. But why is it that while some people become millionaires, others seem to remain stuck in financial struggle? Is there a hidden secret that the elites, billionaires, and even ancient cultures understand about manifesting unlimited wealth?

The idea of checking your bank account and seeing an overflow of money, freeing you from worries about work, debts, and bills, might seem far-fetched. However, ancient wisdom from the Egyptians hints that manifesting abundance is tied to vibration. Could it be that simply by shifting your vibrations, you can align yourself with wealth?

This concept is what the Shifting Vibrations audio collection proposes. By listening to specially crafted tracks, you can supposedly trigger wealth manifestation through a subtle change in your frequency. But how does it work, and can it really unlock your potential to manifest abundance? Let’s dive deep into the Shifting Vibrations review to find out.

Outline of the Article

  1. Introduction to Shifting Vibrations
  2. Understanding Vibrations and Abundance
  3. How Vibration Impacts Your Wealth
  4. Shifting Vibrations: The Core Concept
  5. Golden Ratio Frequencies and Wealth Manifestation
  6. How the Ancient Egyptians Used Vibrations for Abundance
  7. The Science Behind Shifting Frequencies
  8. What You Get with Shifting VibrationsTrack 1: Egyptian Golden Ratio for Abundance 432 HzTrack 2: The Abundance Pyramid 432 HzTrack 3: Shaman Beats 71-79 Hz (With Subliminal Messages)Track 4: Lucid Oddysee 207-215 Hz (With Subliminal Messages)Track 5: Golden Ratio Experience 396 HzTrack 6: New Horizons Astral Experience
  9. How Subliminal Messages Help Reprogram Limiting Beliefs
  10. Shifting Vibrations and Astral Projection
  11. The Role of Meditation in Frequency Shifting
  12. Price and Discount Codes for Shifting Vibrations
  13. What Do Users Say About Shifting Vibrations?
  14. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  15. Conclusion

Shifting Vibrations Review: Can You Manifest Abundance with Frequency?

Can you picture what life would be like without financial worries? The thought of financial freedom crosses everyone’s mind at some point. But why is it that while some people become millionaires, others seem to remain stuck in financial struggle? Is there a hidden secret that the elites, billionaires, and even ancient cultures understand about manifesting unlimited wealth?

The idea of checking your bank account and seeing an overflow of money, freeing you from worries about work, debts, and bills, might seem far-fetched. However, ancient wisdom from the Egyptians hints that manifesting abundance is tied to vibration. Could it be that simply by shifting your vibrations, you can align yourself with wealth?

This concept is what the Shifting Vibrations audio collection proposes. By listening to specially crafted tracks, you can supposedly trigger wealth manifestation through a subtle change in your frequency. But how does it work, and can it really unlock your potential to manifest abundance? Let’s dive deep into the Shifting Vibrations review to find out.

Introduction to Shifting Vibrations

In today’s fast-paced world, the idea of manifesting abundance with ease may sound too good to be true. But what if it’s not? What if the key to financial freedom is as simple as tuning in to the right vibration? According to Shifting Vibrations, a collection of audio tracks designed to raise your vibrational frequency, the answer lies in how you resonate with the universe’s energy.

Understanding Vibrations and Abundance

Everything around us, including ourselves, operates at a frequency. Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In essence, your thoughts, feelings, and even your financial reality are governed by energy frequencies. Higher frequencies are aligned with positive outcomes such as wealth, happiness, and health, while lower frequencies are tied to struggle and scarcity.

How Vibration Impacts Your Wealth

Your financial situation is a reflection of your internal vibration. If you’re constantly stressed about money, that anxiety lowers your vibration, aligning you with more financial challenges. On the flip side, when you raise your frequency to match abundance, opportunities for wealth flow effortlessly into your life. This is the underlying principle of the Shifting Vibrations audio collection, which promises to help you shift your internal frequency to attract prosperity.

Shifting Vibrations: The Core Concept

At the heart of the Shifting Vibrations program is the concept that by listening to specific audio frequencies for just five minutes a day, you can begin to alter your vibrational state. The collection uses the Golden Ratio abundance manifestation frequencies to help raise your vibration, making it easier to manifest wealth and abundance.

Golden Ratio Frequencies and Wealth Manifestation

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical principle found throughout nature, from the spirals of galaxies to the structure of DNA. This ratio is thought to be in harmony with the universe, and when applied to sound frequencies, it creates a sense of balance and alignment. By listening to these frequencies, you can reportedly tune your vibration to the natural order of abundance.

How the Ancient Egyptians Used Vibrations for Abundance

The ancient Egyptians were masters of using sound and vibration to align with prosperity. Their pyramids, built with precise mathematical ratios, were believed to amplify natural frequencies, allowing them to harness cosmic energy for wealth. The Shifting Vibrations program taps into this ancient wisdom, using 432 Hz—the harmonic frequency of Earth—as a core element in its audio tracks.

The Science Behind Shifting Frequencies

Modern science backs up the idea that sound and vibration can influence our well-being. Studies have shown that different frequencies affect brainwaves, mood, and even physical health. The Shifting Vibrations audio collection claims to use these principles to help you raise your vibrational state, enabling you to manifest abundance more easily.

What You Get with Shifting Vibrations

The Shifting Vibrations collection includes six professional audio tracks, each designed with specific frequencies to help you achieve different goals, from wealth manifestation to deep meditation and astral projection. Here’s what you get:

Track 1: Egyptian Golden Ratio for Wealth Manifestation – 432 Hz Frequency

This track is designed to help you align your subconscious mind with abundance, retraining your beliefs to embrace wealth.

Track 2: The Abundance Pyramid 432 Hz

This track builds on the first, further reinforcing positive beliefs about wealth and making it easier for you to manifest abundance.

Track 3: Shaman Beats 71-79 Hz (With Subliminal Messages)

Inspired by shamanic rituals, this track helps you reach a deep meditative state, raising your vibration and enabling lucid dreaming and astral projection.

Track 4: Lucid Oddysee 207-215 Hz (With Subliminal Messages)

This track enhances the vividness of your dreams, making lucid dreaming more attainable while also raising your energetic vibration.

Track 5: Golden Ratio Experience 396 Hz

Focused on grounding and healing, this track helps you manifest abundance faster by raising your vibrational energy.

Track 6: New Horizons Astral Experience

Designed for deep meditation and astral projection, this track activates the pineal gland, helping you access higher dimensions of consciousness.

How Subliminal Messages Help Reprogram Limiting Beliefs

Some of the Shifting Vibrations tracks include subliminal messages—positive affirmations like “I am wealthy”—that bypass the conscious mind and work directly on the subconscious. These subliminal messages help reprogram limiting beliefs, making it easier for you to adopt a mindset of abundance without the resistance of your conscious mind.

Shifting Vibrations and Astral Projection

In addition to manifesting wealth, the Shifting Vibrations program includes tracks designed to help you experience astral projection and lucid dreaming. These practices require a higher vibrational state, and the audio tracks are engineered to help you achieve that state effortlessly.

The Role of Meditation in Frequency Shifting

Meditation is a key component of the Shifting Vibrations program. By calming your mind and focusing on the audio frequencies, you can raise your vibrational energy more effectively. Regular meditation helps to maintain these higher frequencies, allowing you to manifest abundance consistently.

Price and Discount Codes for Shifting Vibrations

The entire Shifting Vibrations collection is priced at $97, but there is currently a special offer available, allowing you to purchase it for just $37. The collection comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free.

What Do Users Say About Shifting Vibrations?

Users of the Shifting Vibrations program report feeling more relaxed, focused, and abundant after listening to the audio tracks. Many claim to have experienced immediate effects, such as a sense of calm and alignment, while others say it took a few weeks to notice significant changes in their financial situation.


So, is Shifting Vibrations worth it? The answer seems to be a resounding yes. If you’re looking for a simple, accessible way to raise your vibration and manifest wealth, this collection of audio tracks offers a practical solution. By tapping into the power of the Golden Ratio and using subliminal messages, Shifting Vibrations helps you align with the energy of abundance, making it easier to attract prosperity into your life.

Shifting Vibrations audio tracks help manifest wealth by raising your vibrational frequency for abundance.


  1. How does the “Shifting Vibrations” collection work? The collection works by using specific audio frequencies to raise your vibration, aligning you with the energy of abundance.
  2. Will Shifting Vibrations help me to manifest wealth? Yes, the audio tracks are designed to help you raise your vibrational frequency, making it easier to attract wealth and abundance.
  3. Can Shifting Vibrations aid in astral projection? Yes, some tracks are specifically designed to facilitate astral projection and lucid dreaming.
  4. Is there a money-back guarantee? Yes, you can try the program for 60 days, and if you’re not satisfied, you can request a full refund.
  5. What is the best way to use Shifting Vibrations? For best results, listen to the audio tracks during meditation or before sleeping to enhance the effect of the subliminal messages and frequencies.













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